The closed circuit and its multiple applications: RCA pamphlet for CCTV in commerce, industry, military, etc.
Source: Radio Corporation of America and Closed Circuit Television Department. Industrial Closed Circuit TV Equipment Catalog. Camden, N.J.: Radio Corporation of America, 1959, 10. Hagley Library
TELERAN - Die Sehhilfe für (blinde) Piloten. Die RCA verspricht durch ihre TV-Radar Technologie eine neue Sicht im Flugverkehr
Teleran: 'Radio Eyes' for Blind Flying!, 1946 Hagley ID, Box/folder number, David Sarnoff Library digital archive (Accession AVD.2464.001), Audiovisual Collections and Digital Initiatives Department, Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, DE 19807
Chart stressing the simplicity of a closed circuit system for the surveillance of a hospital ward
Source: Closed-Circuit Television Systems Color and Monochrome : Fundamentals, Planning, Applications, RCA Service Company, 1958
In these publications, the multiple uses of CCTV are amply illustrated. Here: live instructions via TV in the assembly shop
Source: Closed-Circuit Television Systems Color and Monochrome : Fundamentals, Planning, Applications, RCA Service Company, 1958, 192
CCTV in the administration: the signature on a document is compared to the one stored in the centralized register of the company or the bank
Source: Closed-Circuit Television Systems Color and Monochrome : Fundamentals, Planning, Applications, RCA Service Company, 1958, 193