CCTV in a housekeeping school in the Canton Vaud, early 1974

Source: Le Matin, 13 February 1974

#educational television#Switzerland#Educational Television

The medical closed circuit: presentation of a Canadian audiovisual center in the weekly journal of the RTS

Source: Radio TV Je vois tout, no. 46, 13 novembre 1969, 77-78

#medical television#Suisse#Switzerland

While TV is becoming established in Swiss households (1 million TV licenses at the end of the 1960s), these reports present the medium's non-domestic uses

Source: Radio TV Je vois tout, no. 46, 13 novembre 1969, 77-78

#medical television#Switzerland

Schematische Darstellung einer Eidophorübertragung

Quelle: Lagrange, Jean-Jaques: Le projecteur Eidophor, une invention suisse qui va révolutionner le monde de l'image, 2014.
