"Direktaufnahme des Operationsfeldes mit der Kamera; Eingriff am Auge"
Ciba, Moderne medizinische Kommunikation mit Eidophor, Basel, 1968
Eidophor Farbfernsehen, 1963
ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv / Fotograf: Comet Photo AG (Zürich) / Com_L12-0057-0001-0004 / CC BY-SA 4.0 http://doi.org/10.3932/ethz-a-000894622
Chart stressing the simplicity of a closed circuit system for the surveillance of a hospital ward
Source: Closed-Circuit Television Systems Color and Monochrome : Fundamentals, Planning, Applications, RCA Service Company, 1958
In 1976, the University of Basel opened the Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung at the Faculty of Medicine. The Center included the university's first professional TV studio
Source: Rohr, Hanspeter. Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung : Information und Arbeitsbericht des Studiendekans der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Basel. Basel: Medizinische Fakultät, 1977.
CCTV at the dentists: Television makes dental problems visible for the patient
Source: Zworykin, V. K., E. G. Ramberg, and L. E. Flory. Television in Science and Industry. New York, 1958, 31.
Medical education, a privileged field for CCTV: chart showing an installation for the retransmission of a surgical intervetion in the classroom
Source: Closed-Circuit Television Systems Color and Monochrome : Fundamentals, Planning, Applications, RCA Service Company, 1958, 181.
The medical closed circuit: presentation of a Canadian audiovisual center in the weekly journal of the RTS
Source: Radio TV Je vois tout, no. 46, 13 novembre 1969, 77-78 https://scriptorium.bcu-lausanne.ch
While TV is becoming established in Swiss households (1 million TV licenses at the end of the 1960s), these reports present the medium's non-domestic uses
Source: Radio TV Je vois tout, no. 46, 13 novembre 1969, 77-78